The Secret to Traveling Together

Have you ever wished that traveling together as a couple was easier? Here’s how a husband and wife team shares their secrets to making the journey fun.

Soft, faded morning light, roosters crowing, the low hum of machinery at work. Coffee in bed, talking about our dreams, the literal ones and the metaphorical ones. This is our new morning regime as a traveling couple.


A question that we’ve incorporated into our daily conversations. It’s sole purpose: to provide an opportunity for the speaker to express any thought that is readily available or has been on their mind. The unwritten rules: be open-minded to the opinion or idea, wait until the speaker has finished, only then you may share your thoughts. Before this journey, the stories we shared would revolve around our frustrations with work, our family, our friends. We’d circle the same topics and in turn have the same conversations we’d been having for months. I noticed then, slowly, we were becoming people who talk about the same problems, as they have always talked about, FOR YEARS. Seemingly stagnant in their world, unable to break the cycle of drama and trauma.

These days we talk about our relationship, our aspirations, funny things we’ve seen, the new things we’ve learned. We talk about healing, health, finances. Albeit nonexistent, we talk about our kids and all the things we want for them. How can we be better kids ourselves, kids at heart and good kids to our parents.In these moments, we provide each other with the space to share some of our most scary thoughts, our most feared feelings. While it may seem that I’m the type of person that has no problems sharing my feelings, with Josh, I find it difficult.

Maybe I see myself as always being stable and not wanting to be “too feminine, too emotional” in front of him. For me, knowing this little bubble is a safe space, gives me permission to be open to sharing whatever I feel without consequence to my relationship with my husband.“Well, honey, what will you do when you’re tired of talking to me?” I notice a wavering tone in his delivery. “Not sure. I’ll let you know when we run out of things to talk about,” I say slowly with a slight cheek in my tone.“So, what stories you want to tell me?”

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